You never know what we are cooking up.

Find out what we have in store for you next. We will update this document when details are ready for public consumption. Great ideas are often not yours for very long. Especially, when you tell everyone about them in advance. So, we will announce the new things right here. But we will not give anything away until its ready.

That said, here are some things that are worth waiting for:

  • Tokenomics - There is a time and place for everything. Especially in crypto.

  • NFTs - Oh, those cute little guys, but don't be fooled, they are very useful.

  • Future Games - Don't worry games are the heart of the Arcade, more to come.

  • Roadmap - A map of all our secrets, goals and plans, free for all to consume.

It may seem unsatisfying having some of these plans not given away freely, but there is plenty in this document to focus on. Growth is important to support our future designs, and with that support these tasks will come to fruition.

Last updated